Connect Middleware

how to architect modular web apps with express

CoffeeScript Node Packages

how to structure, test, and release coffee-script modules

Callbacks And Promises

how to wrap a function to convert between the nonblocking styles

Calculations With Angles

for a school project we're programming robots in java

Working With Money in ActiveRecord

strategies to handle money accurately and generate reports

Deploying Assets to S3

how to precompile and serve from Amazon S3 with the Rails asset pipeline

HTML Clickable Section

how to make a whole div clickable

Custom Flash Partials

how to use Rails 4 custom flash messages to pass a param to view

Installing leJOS NXJ on OSX

how to install the lego mindstorm sdk on mac with eclipse

Installing Postgres on OSX

Installation and bash aliases for your new PostgreSQL database.

Interfacing Between R and Ruby on Heroku

Install both R and a ruby application on Heroku with buildpacks.

Traditional Email Signup With Omniauth

How to easily test drive email / password registration with Sinatra

Sinatra API Boilerplate

Using blocks to create minimal, reusable controller actions

Prefixed and Nested Backbone JSON

Patch to allow deeply nested objects and optional prefixing for serialization

Client Side Testing

Test javascript apps with Mocha, Chai and Phantom JS

Custom Devise Emails

How to customize all things email when using devise

Buttons In Forms

Its very important to set the type of the button in a form

Sinatra Test Boilerplate

set up your tests to be concise with MiniTest and OmniAuth

Installing MySQL For DataMapper

How to install a MySQL database, and set up an application with datamapper and sinatra.

TextMate 2 Bundles

Tips and tricks with using the Textmate text editor

Sinatra Gotchas

Keep running into little idiosyncrasies, so I'll gather them here.

Amazon Product Advertising API

Cracking the API appears daunting, but only took an afternoon.

Custom Domain SSL on Heroku

Everything you need to use https on a heroku site.

Organizing Client Templates

a simple way to "compile" a bunch of underscore templates.

Standard ML Permutation

elegantly generate a list of permutations in 5 LoC.

Dynamic Programming

Ruby module to make memoizing methods painless

Ruby Async

Trivially speed up blocking processes using threads.

Counting Inversions

A quick implementation and benchmark of a divide and conquer algorithm

Regex Cautionary Tale

Advice on choosing character classes for internationalization

Enumerable Fibonacci Numbers

A few lines of code to allow fancy ruby operations on fibonacci numbers.