Buttons In Forms

posted 12 years ago

I recently had a little snafu with a button link. I was using an anchor around a button to replace a form submission if the user wasn't registered.

<% if user_signed_in? %>
  <input type="submit" value="Do Action">
<% else %>
  <a href="/sign_up">
    <button>Sign Up to Do Action</button>
<% end %>

The problem was that when I clicked it, it made a random POST request to the current path. Wut?? Turns out the problem was that HTML buttons have types. You'd be wise to follow the specification.

Button Types

There are 3 types of buttons according to the W3C spec. The "submit", "reset", and "button" buttons.

  • the "submit" button is just like input[type="submit"], and submits the form when clicked
  • the "reset" button resets the form when its clicked (I'll be surprised to ever see it...)
  • the "button" button is simply a button to be clicked like a link
  <button type="submit">Submit Form</button>
  <button type="reset">Reset this Form</button>

<a href="/important/stuff">
  <button type="button">Important Stuff</button>

Long story short, make sure to specify type="button" when you want a plain old button link.