Amazon Product Advertising API

posted 12 years ago

Trying to make sense of the Amazon documentation is an absolute nightmare. Here's some tips on how to get started.

Get Your Credentials

Grab your access keys on the security credentials page.

Make sure you have applied as an affiliate as well. If you haven't, sign up. You'll need the associate tag to collect commission.

Learn the API

All of the operations are available here. To simply get products, you'll probably want the ItemSearch and ItemLookup.

When you query the API, you also have to specify ResponseGroups to get back. Of particular interest are the Small and Images response groups.

You can combine response groups to make custom return data field sets.

UTC Timestamp

All requests now require a UTC timestamp, which can be properly added to request options as follows:

def add_timestamp_to(options)
  date, time =' ')
  options[:Timestamp] = "#{date}T#{time}Z"

Signing Requests

The documentation for authenticating requests gives the steps, but no sample code in Ruby.

Assuming you pass in a bunch of parameter options (including a timestamp), here is how you get out a properly formed query.

I use HTTParty for the request, so it made sense to use it to convert the params to a query string as well.

@aws_secret_key = '******************'

def signature_query_from(options)
  # sort params by byte order (alphabetic)
  sorted = options.to_a.sort_by { |pair| pair.first.to_s }

  # convert sorted params to query string
  query = HTTParty::HashConversions.to_params(Hash[sorted])

  # create signature data string
  data = ['GET', '', '/onca/xml', query].join("\n")

  # create signature
  sha256 =
  digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(sha256, @aws_secret_key, data)
  signature = Base64.encode64(digest)
  # return full query string
  query + '&Signature=' + signature

Put It All Together

@locale = 'ca'

def amazon_url
  "{ @locale }/onca/xml"

def get(options)
  HTTParty.get(amazon_url + '?' + signature_query_from(options))

Took me a long afternoon to figure all that out, so thought I'd share it! Source code with a ruby gem here: