Nginx Push State

posted 8 years ago

I figured out how to deploy static sites with nginx. Here's all the steps it takes to deploy a webpack build on Ubuntu cloud instance.

Upload Certs

You need to copy over certificate and private key to serve https. I chose to use a Cloudflare free origin certifate for * and It expires in 15 years (schedule a notification!) which seemed adequate.

I chose to name the certifcate example-com.pem and key example-com-key.pem. I haven't seen much on naming conventions online, so I put keys on my local computer in ~/certs and copy them using scp to each remote host.

$ ssh [email protected] 'mkdir /var/certs'
$ scp ~/certs/example-com* [email protected]:/var/certs

Upload Site

Next, upload the build folder to the remote instance. I name the builds by the git commit sha1 but you could use semvers or timestamps.

$ git rev-parse HEAD

I keep builds in the /var/builds folder.

$ scp -r dist [email protected]:/var/builds/1d4e676dae26d8a

Every build should be in /var/builds on the remote machine. To deploy a version, symlink the desired build into a fixed place. I chose /var/builds/current but it probably makes sense to use a separate folder in the future.

$ ln -sfn /var/builds/1d4e676dae26d8a /var/builds/current

You can check the current version by reading the symlink.

$ readlink /var/builds/current | xargs basename

Setup Nginx

Install nginx.

$ apt update
$ apt install nginx

Remove the default example sites.

$ ssh [email protected]
~# rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
~# rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Add a new site to serve the current build described above. If that sounds daunting, read edit remote files and then come back.

# /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example-com

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;
    ssl_certificate /var/certs/example-com.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /var/certs/example-com-key.pem;

    root /var/builds/current;
    index index.html;

Reload the server after each change. It won't accept syntax errors.

~# nginx -s reload

You should be able to open the http site in a browser.

Doman Name

I use CloudFlare for DNS which works with free wildcard certs mentioned above. Point to the ipv4 using A record.

A     www

Once the domain record propagates, you should be able to view the site in a browser and get an https secure lock icon.

Push State

If you have a single page app using push state, you'll notice when you refresh any page besides the index, the site breaks with a 404 Not Found. Edit the nginx conf to fallback to the index page.

# : /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example-com

    location / {
        try_files $uri /index.html =404;

An unfortunate side effect is that requests for missing assets will return a 200 Success and the index page instead of 404 Not Found. You can fix this using a higher precedent regular expression location match looking for file extensions.

    location ~ '\.[a-z]{1,8}$' {
        try_files $uri =404;
    # push state ...

I haven't seen a file extension break this heuristic before.

Asset Caching

If you include a content hash in asset file names, fire up some cache headers.

vendor.js  =>  vendor.452eb03b75345c84f923.js

Exit nginx configuration one more time to add cache headers.

    # Cache fonts. I chose to use a prefix instead of file extension to avoid
    # committing to caching all .svg files. 
    location /fonts/ {
        expires max;
    # Cache anything with a 16+ hex sequence followed by a common asset extension.
    # This avoids situations where you need non-hashed assets too.
    location ~ '[0-9a-f]{16}\.(js|js\.map|css|png|jpg|gif)$' {
        expires max;
    # push state ...

You can verify the caching works by checking headers. I use httpie for command line requests.

$ http HEAD


When you want to push the latest version, upload a new build and symlink to deploy.

$ sha1=`git rev-parse HEAD`
$ scp -r dist [email protected]:/var/builds/$sha1
$ ssh [email protected] "ln -sfn /var/builds/$sha1 /var/builds/current"

You should see the new version live.