Rendering Tweets

posted 11 years ago

A couple months ago I wrote an article on fixing twitter mentions. As a side note it always amazes me how much I used to suck. A friend once told me improvement is hard to notice in the short term. Very true.

Twitter Text

This shouldn't be an article because Twitter open sources everything. Let's give it a shot.

$ bower install twitter-text --save

Rendering the tweet text as html should be simple.

// tweet text -> html

function render (text) {
  return twttr.txt.autoLink(text)

However if you try it out on a url it doesn't work without the protocol. Equally frustrating is that the url isn't truncated.

render('Google is')
// Google is <a href="" title=...

render('Google is')
// 'Google is'

It also messes up screen name mentions. For example instead of nice clickable mentions we get awkward ones with the @ symbol outside of the anchor tag.

@<a href="...">screenName</a>

Regular Expressions

My first attempt was to correct with a regex or two. We know twitter text renders the mention with the @ symbol before the anchor tag, so the solution is to move the @ symbol to the other side of the opening tag.

@<a .. >  =>  <a .. >@

The anchor tag is a capture group and closing braces are escaped as text so its safe to match against a negative character group.

html.replace(/@(<a[^>]*>)/g, '$1@')

The next step is line breaks which are otherwise stripped out when redered as html.

html.replace(/\n/g '<br>')

Extract Entities

Now the real challenge of url autolinking with shortened display text. Building correct regular expressions would be quite the undertaking. Instead after perusing the twitter-text source code it was clear the only reason the urls weren't being linked was due to a default setting.

// autoLink(text, options) ~ line 758

    extractEntitiesWithIndices(text, {extractUrlsWithoutProtocol: false});

To fix autolinking can be done in two steps.

function autolink (text) {
  var entities = twttr.txt.extractEntitiesWithIndices(text)
  return twttr.txt.autoLinkEntities(text, entities)

Better, tho the urls are still potentially enormous. Deeper into the twitter text package seems an opportunity to provide a display url.

// linkTextWithEntity(entity, options) ~ line 587

    var displayUrl = entity.display_url;
    var expandedUrl = entity.expanded_url;

Sweet. The display url should probably remove the leading protocol or www subdomain and truncate the path with a horizontal ellipsis. I went with a length of thirty.

function shorten (url, length) {
  url = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '')
  url = url.replace(/^www\./, '')
  if (url.length > length) {
    url = url.slice(0, length) + '\u2026'
  url = twttr.txt.htmlEscape(url)
  return url

The entities still need to be fixed tho. A simpler fix for mentions is to adjust the first index for each mention entity instead of using the regular expression.

function fixEntity (entity) {
  if (entity.url) {
    entity['expanded_url'] = entity.url
    entity['display_url'] = shorten(entity.url, 30)
  if (entity.screenName) {
    entity.screenName = '@' + entity.screenName
    entity.indices[0] -= 1
  return entity

Render Tweets

Finally to render a tweet.

function autolink (text) {
  text = twttr.txt.htmlEscape(text)
  var entities = twttr.txt.extractEntitiesWithIndices(text)
  text = twttr.txt.autoLinkEntities(text, entities)
  text = text.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')
  return text

With this basis it's not too hard to render image links too.

if (entity.url && /(jpe?g|png|gif$)/.test(entity.url)) {
  // we have an image

All of the css classes and anchor hrefs are customizable as well in the extract entities method with an additional options object.

usernameClass: 'tweet-url username'
usernameUrlBase: ''

hashtagClass: 'tweet-url hashtag'
hashtagUrlBase: '!/search?q=%23'

cashtagClass: 'tweet-url cashtag'
cashtagUrlBase: '!/search?q=%24'

listClass: 'tweet-url list-slug'
listUrlBase: ''

This is cool because it allows reuse of Twitter's code to implement @mentions and #hashtags on your hot new social site.

twttr.txt.extractEntitiesWithIndices(text, {
  usernameUrlBase: '',
  hashtagUrlBase: '',

Pretty specific to one of my projects, but hopefully interesting. When in doubt tweet @aj0strow.