Every web application needs redis at some point, especially when written in ruby. Let's start with a skills set for users.
The goal is to add and remove skills, and calculate shared skills.
Straight forward with a global redis connection.
class User
def skills_add(skill)
$redis.sadd("users:#{id}:skills", skill)
def skills_remove(skill)
$redis.srem("users:#{id}:skills", skill)
The key can be factored out, and skill intersection is a redis command away.
def skills_key
def skills_intersect(user)
$redis.sinter(redis_key, user.redis_key)
It works. However consider the mountain of code should users need shared cities, interests, albums, or any additional sets.
The problem is that we're using redis in a functional style. Calling a command is much like passing it as a first argument.
$redis.send(:command, 'key', arguments...)
So when different commands need to be called on the same key you have a lot of repetition.
redis(:sadd, 'users:3:skills', 'ruby')
redis(:srem, 'users:4:skills', 'ruby')
The order of the arguments is wrong for partial applicaiton which would help us refactor out the key. For example imagine if the first argument were the key.
redis('users:3:skills', :sadd, 'ruby')
This changes everything, because now a partially applied redis command is acting on the object represented by the key.
skills = redis('users:3:skills)
skills(:sadd, 'ruby')
It looks like more code, because it takes two lines, but the implications are massive. Instead of calling redis commands and keeping track of database keys, the code acts on redis objects. It's the same type of abstraction active record uses.
To implement the nicer object-oriented syntax the redis string needs to be partially applied before the method is known.
class User
def skills
Assuming the wrap returns the key as an alias for the to_s
method, wraps and string keys can be used interchangably in commands.
The code is open source at aj0strow/redis-wrap. It boils down to just a few lines to hold onto the key in an instance variable and inject it as the first argument to all redis commands.
class Redis
class Wrap
attr_reader :key
def initialize(key)
@key = key.to_s
def method_missing(command, *arguments, &block)
redis.send(command, key, *arguments, &block)
def redis
alias_method :to_s, :key
Doesn't redis-objects already exist? Yes, but I have a few bones to pick with it. They chose to follow the ruby apis while I prefer to follow the redis api so I can browse the documentation, find the method I want, and use it immediately without then looking up the corresponding ruby object documentation and guessing which corresponds to which. Also, it bothers me that every ruby package finds the need to have a DSL. Writing methods is not challenging, and involves less magic.
Pull requests welcome on the redis-wrap
project. Tweet ideas and thoughts @aj0strow.